People have different ways of dealing with the impending death of a loved one. Some of those ways might not be considered healthy, but I say if we can garner a laugh out of it—and walk away without STDs or too many bruises (inner or outer)—then, BAM, why the F not? Here’s how it went […]
Facelifts and So Forth
What To Consider When Considering Cosmetic Surgery. Anxious and waiting—and possibly oozing beneath the mummified bandages—in the private clinic of a plastic surgeon’s office spotlighted by fluorescent lights … Me: The swelling isn’t that bad. Marilyn: I don’t know. I have no one to compare it to. I don’t know anyone who’s had a facelift […]
Flirting & Master Dater ShenANNAgins
How To Meet Single Men In Vancouver.. Or Not. A girl friend and I are strolling by a hole-in-the-brick-wall mysterious venue in Gastown when a tall, not unhandsome guy in retro military gear asks us, “Are you into fetish parties?” An army green 1940s BMW cafe racer with matching camo sidecar is parked beside this […]
And Then I Moved To Vancouver. I Think.
Episode One: The Silver Fox I flew over on Harbour Air. The water-landing five-seater delivered me from the harbour of my adulthood hometown to the harbour of downtown Vancouver. Forty minutes and 25 pounds of luggage, and I’m in the “big city.” The intention was to stay at a girl friend’s place while she is […]
Spirituality and Skinny Dipping.
Back in Canada, in my adulthood hometown, I thought for sure I would need to turn to mind-altering-slash-life-numbing substances. Maybe not right away—summers are lovely here—but perhaps by autumn and definitely by winter when day”light” (daygray) hours are from 8:00am to 4:30pm. But a funny thing happened. I drove home from Los Angeles, made record […]
My Butt Has Fallen And It Won’t Get Up.
What Do You Call A Dinasour With A Stressed Rump? Mega Sore Ass. First off, if you call me a dinasour you gonna get word-whipped. Second, even though it’s not technically a middle-age birthday for me on May 24th (I hope, and, thank you), some days I do feel old. And, third, yes, I am […]
Vacation Sex: What Happens In Boracay Stays in Boracay (And in This Blog).
Boracay Beach, Philippines Blog Four. I’m at Nigi Nigi Nu Noos “e” Nu Nu Noos with Blue Eyes. Nigis is one of the popular local hangouts for ex-pats and “white” tourists who have left their homes and native lands to travel to this exotic destination rich in culture—if poor in conditions—only to coagulate with their […]
Waning And Waxing aka How Many Aestheticians Does It Take to Wax One Pussy?
Boracay Beach, Philippines Blog Three. Pussy1: Slang for vulva—because technically, anatomically, vagina is only the inside bits. And the next thing I know, there’s another Filipino female (I hope) checking out my Sasquatch Snatch. Sasquatch Snatch: AJ slang for hair pie, which be regular redneck slang for hairy va-jay-jay, which is simple slang for uncoiffed-overgrown-I’ve-been-single-and-celibate-for-over-a-year […]
Headline: Boracay Beach, Philippines—Not (Just) About Dirty Old Men and Young Lady-Boys.
Blog Two In The Boracay Beach, Philippines / Himalayas, Nepal AJ Travels Series. My plan was to come to Boracay to get in shape for my hike in Nepal next month—did I forget to mention that part? Yes? Well, we’ll get to that, just you wait. Where was I? Oh, right—get fit for hike. My […]
There’s No Righting Rage On The Page. But He Shat Too.
Doest Not Shite Where Thou Doth Drink (Espresso). I wrote this a couple weeks ago but waited to post it. I didn’t want my fury getting the best of me. (Though, have you noticed that I do my best writing under this influence? Just sayin’.) Anyway, having allowed enough time to pass, I can safely […]