This is my personal blog. An open diary, if you will. So, you get all of me—the good, the bad, the ugly crying. Warning: I’m cranky. But first let’s start with the good… Wet: Bathroom The water leak in my bathroom that damaged the suite next door and the lobby of my condo—and wasn’t covered […]
Thanksgiving. (Thanks & Giving)
This is a late Canadian Thanksgiving and early U.S. Thanksgiving hello of random thoughts. Writing this a couple days past the fifth anniversary of MLM’s (my little mom) death so I might be all sentimental and mushy. Could also be the season. Autumn. I’ve always had mixed feelings about Fall. I love the change of […]
Hot and Flashy
Hot and Flashy (and a L’il Cranky) I’m sorry to disappoint but hot and flashy doesn’t mean tight dresses with a lot of leg showing! It means my bed is perfectly made when I get into it every evening shortly after a geriatric-ly early dinner and by morning it looks like a wild hyena slept […]
I Moved Again and Ted Lasso
Say Like Jim Carrey in Liar Liar, “Magoo!” I just finished watching the available episodes of Ted Lasso on AppleTV. It’s about a coach with silver lining syndrome who’s life purpose is to help his team’s athletes achieve their dreams in football, and life. (UK football, so think US soccer.) I basically spent a Sunday […]
I’m 50!
The Big 5-0! The server is wearing tight jeans and a cropped tee with no bra. Given the generous size of her ta-ta’s, it’s a freakish act of nature they’re that perky. “What are they feeding the young these days?” I wonder. I also wonder where all modesty has gone. This is how I know […]
Back on the Market?
Is AJ Back on the market? I’ve been off the market for the last eight years. On purpose. By choice. Am I back on the market now? No. But just before we get into the why’s and why not’s of my relationship status, know I love you from afar and really do want you to […]
The Itty-Bitty Titty Club
The Itty-Bitty Titty Club I did it! I got my breast implants removed and rejoined the Itty Bitty Titty club! (I’m sorry for your loss.) Surgery celebration date: January 5, 2021. I had to be at the surgery centre at 7am, so I stayed at a hotel right across from the surgery centre to avoid […]
Health Update (BII, Sleep Apnea, Hashimoto’s, SIBO!)
Health Update My health update in no particular order… Breast Implant Illness aka BII A specific type of breast implant is confirmed to cause of a new type of breast cancer in some women. A gazillion studies show BII is a real condition and the FDA has finally put a black box warning on breast […]
I Finally Had Sex with Gerard Butler!
Top Story: Sex with Gerard Butler! What kind of woman writes a blog title ripe with a sleazy, misleading click bait title claiming to have had sex with Gerard Butler? Well, if you’re a subscriber you already know, but for the newbies, I’ll tell you the kind… in a poem. A Poem Written by the […]
Someone Called Me a Sexist — I’m OK with That
Me, a Sexist? Trolled Someone sent me an email re: Wingmam telling me if I didn’t answer their email they’d out me on their website as a sexist. Hey, Google define sexist. sexist n. A person who discriminates on grounds of sex; someone who practises sexism. adj. Unfairly discriminatory against one sex in favour of the other. n. a man with […]