As previously mentioned, the first month I owned my cozy abode, I wasn’t in Vancouver. A desperate and destitute friend—needing a temp place pronto—moved in with her three pups. Did I mention three dogs are not permitted in my building? Did I mention I’m a cat person? The second month that I own the place […]
A Letter to My Dad… I Forgive You; I Apologize to You; I Thank You
Hi Dad, or should I call you Henry? It’s been so long I’m not sure how to address you anymore. I was looking at old photos the other day and thought of you. I wonder if you’ll get this, if any of it will register. Will it find you, wherever you are? I wanted to […]
Atonement: Love is the Answer
Last week I went to a Marianne Williamson event with my housemate, Mermaid, and another housemate, Sussex. Since Mermaid’s Prius’ backseat (and trunk) were still stocking-stuffer stacked to the brim with the numerous treasures she’s procured to resell at the next antique market, Sussex and I agree to share the passenger seat. I’m on top. […]