As previously mentioned, the first month I owned my cozy abode, I wasn’t in Vancouver. A desperate and destitute friend—needing a temp place pronto—moved in with her three pups. Did I mention three dogs are not permitted in my building? Did I mention I’m a cat person? The second month that I own the place […]
Born-Again Virgin Seeks Semi-Chauvinist And Meaning Of Life. Or A Job. P.S. Vagina.
I’m at The Broken Spoke, an espresso-slash-bicycle shop. It reminds me of Deus Cafe in Venice, California, only Deus has pricey cafe racers and low quality coffee. The BS has affordable pedal bikes and rich, delish espresso. As a California-converted coffee snob, I now drive across town (seven minutes) for the best stuff: thick as […]
I Had a Dream … But You Don’t Have To.
Quick recap: Back in my small town in Canada I was a somebody. I had a high profile career and was very successful at it. After 20 years, many of the last of which were living in burnt out bitterness, I needed to make a change. But, I’d built up such an expectation of excellence […]
The Compatibility (No Stats) Report—Do Opposites Really Attract?
I’ve met two couples recently who met on online dating sites. I also met a couple who started out as pen pals from different countries. They’ve been together 5, 10 and over 40 (!) years, respectively, and seem pretty darn happy. What gives? The 5-year couple’s story goes like this: The guy, Treasure Find-her, was […]