Warning: F-bombs and bitchiness. You’ve been warned. I wrote this a couple months ago, before… 🙁 Was it Mercury Retrograde or the MSG or was it MLM (My Little Mom) fading fast that made me so fucking cranky? See, a swear in the first fucking sentence. (Though, I do feel a little better getting that […]
A Serious Case of the Sads.
Since I haven’t written in what seems like forever, I’m going to have to just sum up. I’ve gone through a shit storm of sadness with people I love dropping like flies. I can’t tell you any more than that because it involves others who are private and don’t want people to know what’s going […]
A Letter to My Dad… I Forgive You; I Apologize to You; I Thank You
Hi Dad, or should I call you Henry? It’s been so long I’m not sure how to address you anymore. I was looking at old photos the other day and thought of you. I wonder if you’ll get this, if any of it will register. Will it find you, wherever you are? I wanted to […]
From Bitter Broker to Broke and Happy—The Joy of Simply Waking Up
The other day I’m on my way to a vintage clothing shop (read: second hand), and I see two fellows on the bus bench in front of the shop. They’re obviously homeless as evidenced by their grubby, layered frocks; mangy, matted hair; shopping cart of filthy blankets and extra, oversized army jackets; and the 2 […]
The Abbott Kinney Disconnect—A Misfit’s Musings
Location: Venice Beach, CA. I’m in Venice Beach, California, land of hippies, hipsters, homeless, surfers, artists, con-artists, lame-ass, lonely, eco-friendly, eclectic, misguided, uber urban misfits and more singles than you can shake a handmade-hemp-stick at. It’s a melting pot of pop-culture and quirky characters, fame-seekers and soul-searchers, vendors selling all manner of wares and tourists […]