A few days ago, I had an “a-ha” moment, one of those light bulb going off in my mind, but more like one of those movie spotlights that showcases some event and criss-crosses in the sky to be seen for miles—only to shine directly in my light-sensitive pupils. The “a-ha” told me, “It’s time,” whereby […]
Daring Greatly with TMI!
I just read Brené Brown’s book, Daring Greatly, which was recommended to me recently and which I’ve been meaning to read for a while. It’s about vulnerability, shame, guilt, connection. Basically, Brown writes that allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is courageous not weak like so many of us seem to think. We all fear vulnerability […]
Summer Camp Campiness—Only Bare-Ass Naked
February. Driving back to Canada from California (solo)… The room is cozy with birch-panelled walls, roughly made wood furniture and three single beds (one in the loft) with a fluffy comforter and an extra sheet set on the bed. “How thoughtful,” I muse. There’s no TV and no telephone and no Wi-Fi (!), but there […]